quick notes on sendmail\\ on freebsd files located in ''/etc/mail''\\ access = (relay, ok, reject, error, discard)\\ alias = root _tab_ me@domain.tld \\ mailertable = .domain.tld _tab_ smtp:[dest] \\ relay-domains = .domainX.tld (relay for) backup mx for others \\ to update access and mailertable use #makemaps \\ to update aliases run #newaliases or make alias \\ all other changes need daemon restart \\ virtual domains eg host.domain.tld \\ local-hostnames = domain1, domain2 \\ usermapping edit the virtualusertable file \\ me@domain.tld _tab_ username \\ @domain.tld _tab_ error:nouser \\ use #makemaps to update \\ use hostname.mc for the config file \\ smart_host entry for relaying smtp upstream \\ #make all \\ #make install \\ \\ Blacklisting via spamhaus, zen, sbl \\ unc dnsbl feature \\ \\ greylisting via bobbeck openbsd and pf, using spamd \\ or Milter (mail filter) 'milter.greylist' in ports \\ mxpeers and lists\\ acl greylist default delay 2h \\ acl greylist default autowhite 30d \\ milters add to bottom of /.mc files \\ #make all | restart \\